The Most Valuable Asset Nobody Respects...

By Rob McDermott |  October 24th, 2021  |  Condition Specific Marketing

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Why TIME Is Your Most Valuable Asset and You Have To Stop Giving It Away Carelessly

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You can always make more money…

... that’s actually the easy part once you know how. 

BUT, what you can never get more of or ‘replace’ is the ONE THING that is actually the most valuable of all… your TIME!

Time with your family.

Time with your friends.

Time to just relax and take a real vacation… 

… without any worries about what is (or is not) going on back at your office.

Listen, we all get the same 24 hours each day. 

It’s what you do with that time and how you spend it that makes life special or not. 

And once that time’s gone…it’s gone FOREVER.

There’s nothing worse than having a whole day or week go by and feel you haven’t accomplished anything. 

Or even worse…

… having a month…a year... or even several years pass... 

… only to realize you’re not one bit closer to living the life you (and your family) deserve.

Here’s what you need to do...

Identify and Eliminate Your BIGGEST Time-Wasters: 

You must eliminate things that drain your time and energy in a way that is unproductive in relation to their value. 

Too many of you end up doing “$10 per hour jobs” and do not spend anywhere near enough time on the $1,000 an hour things only you can do. 

You’re most-likely not applying the “80/20” rule to things, and you must if you really want to live the life you were meant to.

You have to avoid activities and people that interrupt you …

… phone calls, social media, emails, texts, meetings. Especially meetings.

Maybe as important as anything... 

… you cannot associate with people that make almost everything seem urgent. 

And thus, are always in some form of “panic” mode, and always seem to want you to be in that mode. 

This is a prescription for disaster. 

You can’t be constantly stressed out, or work with people that are.

You must identify people who either can’t or won’t differentiate between an important issue and an unimportant issue and get them out of your life.

Become Disciplined...

Do you too quickly put things you’re working on aside when someone asks you to do something else? Whether it is a meeting, “grabbing a minute of your time,” a “quick phone call,” etc.

Focus on Work that Directly Produces Wealth For YOU

One of the key factors to success is to always be looking for ways to invest less time working, while getting more dollars in return. 

Creating systems is essential to growing your wealth while keeping your sanity. 

Systems must be created that you set up once, and then continue to produce for you even when you are away.

Don’t ever forget…

…  the single biggest “secret” to being successful and achieving true financial freedom is how you use... or misuse… your TIME.

As a small business owner you don’t need me to remind you of all the demands on your time. 

You need time to solve problems.

Time to think and plan.

Time to manage.

How many hours of your day do you spend on things that directly increase your income?

One study of Fortune 500 CEOs revealed they averaged only 28 productive minutes in a day. 

It’s even harder to be productive today with the explosion of time-intruding technology. 

You need to take drastic measures to fight off time-wasting activities and need to start making better decisions right now.

You want to do everything you can to be very aware of just how quickly time is going by. 

You must be very conscious of minutes and hours. 

You need to do everything you can to be aware of your time, and employ strategies and tools to squeeze as much out of every day as possible.

You must always be vigilant, and jealously guard against anyone who would steal your time, and waste or abuse it.

Send me an email at and tell me the time-wasting habits that keep costing you money month after month, but just can’t seem to stop.

Dr. Rob

Robert McDermott, DC                                                                                                          

Condition Specific New Patient Marketing Solutions                                                                      

198-39 32nd Ave. Suite D8                                                                                         

Auburndale, NY. 11358

(888) 396-1690