The Mysterious Bridge Where Chiropractors Go to Kill Themselves…

By Rob McDermott |  December 5th, 2021  |  Condition Specific Marketing

There's a bridge in West Dunbartonshire, Scotland where more than 50 dogs have mysteriously jumped to their deaths in the past decade. 

And The London Daily Mail reports that another 600 dogs also tried to kill themselves… but survived the fall. 

And many of them tried to jump off the bridge again as soon as they could get back up there! 

Locals say there's some "mysterious force" luring the dogs over the edge to their deaths. 

I think the same thing is happening in chiropractic right now with all the false promises and unrealistic expectations of online marketing. 

Thousands and thousands of chiropractors have mistakenly come "under its spell". 

It's the "suicide bridge" luring your marketing dollars to their death! 

For example, with Facebook… 

… the rules and algorithms will forever be changing. 

Even the very best online people can't keep up anymore. 

Marketing campaigns now go stale within WEEKS when it used to take MONTHS! 

And it's getting worse ... quickly! 

Here's how Perry Marshall, Facebook expert, and author of the seminal book: The Ultimate Guide to Facebook Advertising puts it... 

"Look, I can get leads on Facebook all day long. But they're low quality leads. Yes, in theory, Facebook is a very powerful lead generation tool. The demographic, psychographic, and geographic targeting you can do on Facebook is astounding. And most of them will just waste your time. Why? Because Facebook is where people go to waste their time!  Think about it. It's true right?  Yes, everyone is on Facebook...  But most of the ones who respond to your ads are time wasters. The reality is: internet buyers are the most fickle, disloyal, and most expensive to acquire.” 

Most chiropractors need to get away from Facebook and online marketing ASAP! 

Listen, I know the problems you face all too well from the days when I was struggling to save my own practice. 

That was in 1998, when I was on the brink of bankruptcy. 

I was just lucky enough that at a critical time in my career, I discovered a low-cost strategy that started delivering 30-50 new patients to my clinic every month, like clockwork. 

But I had to learn it from people outside of our industry. 

It instantly turned everything around for me. It’s done the same for hundreds of docs across the country. 

And 23 years later,it’s working better than ever! 

It’s amazing to see the transformations being experienced right now by chiropractors who thought they had tried everything and didn’t know where to turn. 

Small town or BIG city, it doesn't matter. 

Listen, a life buried in tension, struggle, worry, and frustration over money is hardly a life at all. 

If you're fed up with the expensive, mediocre, unreliable marketing that's keeping you on a financial and emotional roller coaster, email me at and I’ll tell you what nearly 1,100 chiropractors are doing right now, that’s delivering pre-qualified, pre-educated new patient appointments every single day. 

You can literally “copy/paste” exactly what they are already doing successfully.

Dr. Rob

Robert McDermott, DC                                                                                                          

Condition Specific New Patient Marketing Solutions                                                                      

198-39 32nd Ave. Suite D8                                                                                         

Auburndale, NY. 11358

(888) 396-1690

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